Clarisonic Mia 2 Review

Hi everyone! Prepare yourself, this post is going to be pretty text heavy!
Today I am going to review my Clarisonic Mia 2, I have a lot to get though so I’m just going to jump straight in!

I bought my Clarisonic around 2 months ago after reading so many great reviews, I have thought about buying a Clarisonic quite a few times over the years but the price has always put me off. Now that I have been using this tool for slightly over two months I feel like I now know enough to give you guys my review!cla01The Clarisonic is a cleansing tool which claimes to use vibrations to clean deep down into your pores and clean your face 6X better than the traditional method of cleansing with your hands. They also claim that it will help your other skincare products such as toner, moisturizer, etc to absorb into your skin a lot quicker and therefore improve their effects. However, I would like to quickly mention that you will still need to carry out your skincare routine as normal, you will still need to use a cleanser and exfoliator. It also comes in a wide range of colors and designs for you to choose from, I chose pink of course. ;D

This cleansing tool will set you back a hefty £125, or maybe even more! I purchased mine online from Jhon Lewis, if you are thinking of buying a Clarisonic then it is best to be very careful and buy it in person or from a well trusted website. I love eBay and buy from it all the time, however with an expensive product such as this I would strongly advise against sites like this as there are so many fakes around. If the price looks too good to be true, then it probably is! Every 3 months or so you will also need to buy replacement brush heads, which are also a little bit pricey.

There are many Clarisonic models around, and I don’t know a whole lot about the other models you can buy. The reason I chose to purchases the Mia 2 is because it has a slightly smaller handel than the original Clarisonic, this means it fits into my hand very comfortably. Another great feature the Mia 2 has is the fact that there are two different settings you can choose from, one is the original setting that is present on every Clarisonic, but the other setting is slightly slower and better for more sensitive skin like my own.

cla02So…was It worth the money?

I am completely in love with my Calrisonic, I have only been using it for 2 months but the overall look of my skin is so much nicer. I use it for 1 minute both in the morning and at night, on the lower setting for sensitive skin. I have always put a lot of time and money into my skincare, and this tool has been a fantastic investment. After using the Clarisonic for the first few times, I immediately noticed my skin was a lot smoother and cleaner. My products also began absorbing quicker, and even though I haven’t noticed a huge improvement in how they work I do believe they are working a teeny tiny bit better.

A lot of the reviews I read reported that their skin went through a really bad breakout/purging phase when they first started using the product. I didn’t experience any kind of breakout when I started using the Clarisonic, and personally I do not believe in “purging phases”, if something causes my skin to break out I stop using it immediately. Currently the anti-biotics I use keep my hormonal acne under control so I haven’t seen much difference when it comes to getting pimples. If you don’t suffer from acne but tend to get pimples from time to time I am confident this would help to prevent them due to how well it cleans your pores. Also as far as acne scarring goes this product doesn’t offer any improvement.

After the first month, I finally noticed a great improvement in the appearance of my pores and blackheads. I have combination skin, meaning my chin, nose and forehead can tend to get quite oily as the day goes on. These areas in particular would tend to have quite large pores and blackheads. Although it is close to impossible to actually reduce the size of a pore, it is completely possible to reduce the appearance by cleaning the pores thoroughly. Since using the Clarisonic, my pores have reduced in appearance dramatically, I very rarely get black heads anymore and even when I do they are tiny.  The size of the pores around my nose were my biggest concern, I have bought loads of products over the years, pore strips, clay masks, etc, and nothing has ever given me a long lasting result like this.

The Clarisonic is completely waterproof and doesn’t require battery’s. A charger will be provided in the box when you buy the product. They recommend that you charge the Clarisonic for 24hours but I never bother to charge it for that long, I just charge as needed.

So, what products should you use with the Clarisonic? At first, I used the small sample Clarisonic cleanser that was provided. This cleanser was nice but nothing special. I bought the Etude House Wonder Pore Foaming cleanser to use with the Clarisonic, but I found the combination of these too products was too harsh for my skin and would cause small breakouts. I highly recommend using a gentle cleanser rather than something that will be too harsh. It may require a bit of shopping around to find the perfect cleanser to use with the Clarisonic, which I am yet to find.

If like me, you already are putting in quite a bit of money and time into your skincare routine, then I highly recommend this product for you. Even though it is expensive, it is a great investment and I would like to hope this product will last for years to come. If you have a problem with enlarged pores, rough skin, black heads, and pimples then I believe this product will really help with these problems. If your acne is hormonal, then it probably won’t help and visiting your doctor would be the best chance of controlling the problem.

Overall Score: 9.5/10

  •     Easy to use
  •     Cleans skin wonderfully
  •     Reduces pore appearance
  •     Expensive price
  •     Available in a range of colors
  •     Will require replacement brush heads
  •     Improves effectiveness of other products
  •     Smoothes skin
  •     Beware fakes online!

9 responses to “Clarisonic Mia 2 Review

  1. I’ve been reading a gazillion of good reviews on Clarisonic but I still don’t have the guts to try it 😦 I tried konjac sponge a few weeks ago and my skin totally broke out T_T It’s great that this Clarisonic works for you, too ^_^
    Oh, have you tried Laneige Facial Foam Moisture? It’s so gentle~ I have an oily skin, and even though the Laneige Moisture is made for dry-normal skin, this works perfectly fine 😀 It doesn’t make my face produce more oil, but it doesn’t really control the oil. Maybe you can combine that with Clarisonic?

  2. I’ve read so many good reviews but I love yours too as it’s really detailed about your experience!

    Unfortunately, even with the sensitive skin brushes you can buy, pretty much everything I’ve read in relation to being a rosacea sufferer has said not to use it in case the exfoliation action provokes more redness.

    It sounds so good for you though, I hope you’ll enjoy using it for ages! 🙂

  3. I tried out the ElishaCoy Spin Cleaner, (basically a rip off clarisonic) and although people said the brush was softer and better for sensitive skin, I always find it a bit harsh and sore to use. I also didn’t notice much of a difference other than my skin being red :/ Did you get any skin soreness after using this? Or redness? I can’t decide if the spin cleaner not doing much is a sign that my skin doesn’t respond well to that kind of treatment or if the product just isn’t high enough quality and I should replace it with a clarisonic :/

  4. This is such an interesting review! Thank you for giving such a complete description 😀 I have such a highly reactive skin that I take aaaaages to buy new products like this, but my skin has turned combination again in the past months and what you describe seems perfect for me I must say. Thanks again!

  5. I loved it also but then my face started breaking out but right now my face isn’t doing so well so maybe I’ll buy another head and try it out again aww I love the pink color super kawaii ❤

  6. Pingback: Clarisonic Mia 2 Sonic Skin Cleansing System Review | EauMG·

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